Piano Tuner in Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, Glasgow, the west of Scotland and beyond.
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Daquin le Coucou .mp3
NOTICE: Due to teaching commitments I currently have limited availability for piano work.
David Boyce, Piano Tuner & Technician
Serving discerning musicians for over thirty-five years.

This website is a substantial piano information resource. Take time to browse, and get a pianeducation.....
The superb and comprehansive technical book Pianos Inside Out lists this website as a useful resource in its Bibliography.
Here's what could happen if you don't call me (cackle). First, Bach's prelude No 1 on a nice medium sized grand piano, tuned a few weeks previously (excuse my playing; I am not a pianist):
Now the same piece on a B. Squire upright piano I didn't tune. It was some EIGHT semitones low. I promise I'm pressing all the right keys here.......
Don't let this happen to you!
*The most popular Scottish-based piano information resource, according to figures from Hypestat . More information than most other piano tuner websites in the world.
Whether you are thinking of buying a second-hand piano, have questions about repairs or tuning, just a general technical interest in pianos, or are wanting find book titles on such topics, you will find useful material here.
Phone: 07714959806
Email: David@piano.plus.com
Piano tuning, regulation and repair around Glasgow, the West of Scotland and beyond.
Contact me today to discuss your piano issues, straightforward or challenging....
All contents of this website are the intellectual property of David Boyce unless otherwise indicated.
The MP3 audio files on this site are of great pianists of the past, transferred from UK recordings now out of copyright.